Ayurveda et les trois Ages de la Vie
Ayurveda, articles ayurveda, blog Explore YogaVeda Ayurveda, articles ayurveda, blog Explore YogaVeda

Ayurveda et les trois Ages de la Vie

Les êtres humains, font partie de la nature et suivent le cycle de croissance, de maturité et de déclinaison tout comme la flore et la faune qui nous entourent. Cette vision de l’homme recommande de modifier et adapter son hygiène de vie non seulement selon sa constitution mais aussi en accord avec l’étape de vie qu’on traverse. Découvrez comment avec moi.

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Panchakarma : The Beginning
Explore YogaVeda Explore YogaVeda

Panchakarma : The Beginning

I woke up in Kozhikode, North Kerala on a Monday morning to a delicious breakfast, my first beloved chai, puri, bhaji and coconut sauce and have been dreaming of food ever since. I would have eaten my way to Kannur if I had known that this was the end of my culinary satisfaction, I’m drooling as I write!!

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Sri T. Krishnamacharya : Histoire d’une lignée
Explore YogaVeda Explore YogaVeda

Sri T. Krishnamacharya : Histoire d’une lignée

L’approche qui est pratiquée et enseignée au sein de l’Institut Français du Yoga doit ses origines au grand savant et érudit Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Né à Mysore dans le sud de l’Inde en 1888, son père lui enseigne le Yoga pendant son enfance et avant sa mort précoce, il lui conseille d’étudier les Yoga Sutra de Patanjali.

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System reset A simple cleanse
Ayurveda Explore YogaVeda Ayurveda Explore YogaVeda

System reset A simple cleanse

Simple and perfect for soothing the digestive tract, lightening the load, eliminating acidity and strengthening digestive power.
Simple and Suitable for every body. You can do this any day you don't have too much on and you feel the need to lighten up and energise body and mind.

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Saving a Dharma Bum
Explore YogaVeda Explore YogaVeda

Saving a Dharma Bum

This brought me to thinking about on what motivates and supports me in life. What gets me up and going every day, what helps me keep the faith in my daily life and can hold me now in this time of change and adversity with so much suffering and anxiety in every curve of our planet.

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Yoga, Yoga Sutra Explore YogaVeda Yoga, Yoga Sutra Explore YogaVeda


Feelin’ Groovy. Sharing space with others, adapting to their pace, requires my presence, rather than unconsciously running along with anything passing through my head and traveling from A to B with zero recall of the journey in between.

This is Rajas in the Vedic tradition.

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